We use FedEx or UPS Express services to ship. Delivery ETA 1-3 Weeks. Please note taxes & duties specific to your countries tax laws may be charged accordingly on delivery. International payments are non-refundable; however, you will be issued a Gift Voucher for online use instead.
Looking for a Gift and you don't know what to get for your loved one?
Keep it dry with this perfect surf travel back pack!! The durable OCEAN & EARTH TRAVELITE WATERPROOF BACKPACK is designed to keep everything dry and protected.
The backpack features a AIRTIGHT 3 FOLD DRY SEAL SYSTEM and easily folds into it's own small compact carry bag to stash away when luggage space is an issue. It is a must on your next surf travel adventure...
Volume: 30 Litres | Material: Ultra light weight durable fabric | Seams: Waterproof sealed seams | Warranty: Guaranteed against faulty workmanship or defective materials for 12 months from date of purchase.
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